TDEats Testimonies



Just wanted to say thank you!!!! Definitely needed this more than I thought. Your 3-Day Cleanse helped me not only physically, but mentally & I’m glad I did it! It helped me refocus & teach my mind & body what I REALLY need to perform at my best in the gym & just daily life. I feel AMAZING after these last 3 days, dropped 11lbs & ready to get right back on track. Appreciate you! 🙏🏼



I have never felt better! I’ve just finished my 3 day cleanse and it was extremely difficult! Talk about mental strength. Thankfully I was diligent and strictly did hulk juice and RnR shots, but so glad I did. Hardest part was no caffeine, but so thankful I accomplished. First, my skin feels amazing! I’ve literally rolled out of bed and just done tinted moisturizer. I’ve also noticed I’m not bloated. Never thought I’d see the day especially with the holiday eating of no bloating. I was not feeling myself and felt terrible I couldn’t even workout at my full potential. I’m using this as a reset and starting to eat clean once more after this thanksgiving holiday.  Thank you Nay!!!



As I’m drinking my final juice from my 3 day juice cleanse with TDEats, I feel brand new! These past 3 days with the cleanse I definitely hit the reset button and now I can hit the ground running! Skin is glowing, and I feel less bloated. The first day was definitely the hardest but I made a goal and I’m glad I powered through it! Best feeling in the world! 🙌🏼🙌🏼 



I signed up for Naquan's 3 day juice cleanse to help reset my system after doing some traveling and it was so beneficial! I was able to drop a few extra pounds, feel less bloated and had more energy after the first day. I incorporated small protein portions with my juice such as eggs, lentils, or salmon and was able to get through my normal workouts without any problems. I would definitely recommend it to anyone and would do it again!



Just want to say thank you so much! I went on a two week hiatus with not eating the best and wasn’t feeling good at all. After your 3 day cleanse I can thankfully say that I feel amazing. It was an emotional rollercoaster but worth it. I went in to it thinking it was going to be more of a physical challenge but quickly learned it was more mental. Thank you for helping me get back on track!! I really appreciate it! 



The last 3 day cleanse was a lot more challenging than I expected. It was more mentally challenging than anything else. I never felt super starving I just craved other foods. I did lose 8 lbs and I feel refreshed, I was never bloated and at times I did feel fatigued but whenever I did I would drink tons of water and would  feel a lot better! I’m proud of myself! 



I feel really good after doing the 3 Day Cleanse. Day 1 was the hardest as I’ve never done a 3 day cleanse. Both the RnR and Hulk were pretty tasty. Overall I lost 4-5 lbs, but more importantly I feel back on track with my eating and what fuel I’m putting in my body.